“A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people.”
It is important to celebrate our heritage because it is the time for all of us to learn about our own culture and heritage. Students should know about their heritage because it breathes life and gives meaning to our identities and our knowledge of Who we are?
To promote this feeling in students, some videos of ‘World Heritage Sites in India’ and ‘Importance of greeting our guests with folded hands’ were sent to students.
April 13 &14
To bring in festive fervor during this difficult phase, students were encouraged to celebrate Baisakhi with their families with enthusiasm by staying at home only. This year Baisakhi also marks the 100th anniversary of Jallianwala Bagh Massacre. Students were acquainted about this event through relevant videos . Few more links were sent to make the students aware about the significance of this day and great heritage of our country. Parents were asked to discuss the historical importance and facts related to the day with their children. For the merry time Punjabi folk songs were sent. Students were also asked to enjoy the Bhangra beats and Punjabi sweet dishes.
To make students aware about Dr. B.R Ambedkar Jayanti , father of Indian Constitution, G.K questions regarding Indian Constitution, YouTube videos on short biography of Dr. Ambedkar were sent in all the classes. Students of class IV were asked to write fundamental rights and duties of Indian citizens whereas class V students penned down Preamble of Indian Constitution.
In the wake of uncertainties and anxieties brought by the recent pandemic and subsequent lockdown, Counseling Cell ( Dr. Renu Gupta and other school counselors) continued motivating the students and parents through lectures via Zoom App. During the month of April, several measures have been carried out to ensure that necessary guidance and assistance is readily made available to the BCM family.
The measures have been targeted towards three groups- namely, students, parents and teachers. To assist students in adapting to a new routine as per life under lockdown, a video was shared on 10 April. In this video, several tips were shared with students to help them anchor their daily schedules, and escape lethargy and boredom. Similarly, audio files were also circulated to parents, focused on sustaining academic productivity and mental health of the students. Among the shared audio files, the first one was sent among parents from standards 1& 2, in which tips were shared on generating interest in study through experiential learning among the kids. The second audio was sent to parents from Primary wing, in which the primary focus was on maintaining psychological well-being of children.
Besides these steps, to uplift the spirits of teachers, many motivational messages were shared among teachers. These included inspirational stories and suggestions for virtual classroom activities. Lastly, links to helpful online educational resources were also shared among teachers.
The new session commenced at BCM School amidst Covid 19 pandemic. Due to the lockdown, our school is transitioning to online learning through structured home based program ‘Digital Remote Learning’. Teachers are going above and beyond, finding creative ways to reach their students and help them continue their learning with the help of videos, e-notes, Apps and assignments. Children are continuously connected to teachers for learning interactively. Teachers are having one to one interaction with parents also and clearing out their queries regarding curriculum and their ward’s performance. Synopsis and worksheets of each subject are provided to students through the Whatsapp class groups. Link of International kids Film Festival is provided to the students in which Students are watching a movie daily and analyzing it critically. Another link to join the 15 days online TCS programme is availed to the students for better learning. Apart from learning, Students were also encouraged to participate in the national campaign ‘Student’s say-let’s win the fight over corona ‘initiated by Smile Foundation to engage their thoughts and to promote learning among students. Keeping in mind the physical fitness of the students, they are also acquainted with ‘Play at Home’ app by Sportz Village along with YouTube videos of different exercises. Everyday students are receiving videos of various yoga asanas to boost their immunity level.
The present time do not deter us from reaching out our students and ensuring that they utilize their time at home fruitfully and constructively. While the world is grappling with medical challenge and seeing almost a global lockdown schools are challenged with keeping students engaged at this time and negate academic loss.
BCM School, Chandigarh Road is leaving no stone unturned to ensure that students do not lose out valuable learning time and maintain a positive approach. School has transitioned to online learning through “Digital remote learning” from the commencement of the new session. As per the CBSE guidelines, various videos related to moral based movies, health and fitness , general awareness etc are shared with students by their class incharges in their respective class groups. Students were asked to share their views regarding different videos which were sent to them. and not only this, schedule wise and according to syllabus various assignments, worksheets, videos and audio clips prepared by teachers themselves along with book pages are being sent to the students regularly. As ‘Home Collaboration Learning’ program is on the go, the students begin their day with chanting of Gayatri Mantra and Om meditation. During the hours scheduled for study, they receive audio/ video lectures, PPTs, MS word documents ( notes/ synopsis/ worksheets/ assignments) from the teachers covering syllabi of various subjects. Various e- tools like Whatsapp groups, Zoom App, You Tube channels, Google, Wikipedia etc are being used for knowledge sharing.
Apart from ensuring syllabi coverage, Co –curricular activities and Projects are being executed by Class teachers and Subject teachers in coordination with Activity Coordinators and Section Coordinators.
Four days Athletic Meet reached to its culmination on March 4 in the Kindergarten block of BCM School Sec -32 A. Around 300 students of Nursery enthusiastically took part in the 8th Annual Athletic Meet. The tiny tots on each day won the appreciations of the audience by marching together gracefully while holding different colour flags. The cultural items presented by the tiny tots on different days captivated the hearts of the parents acting as an audience. The tastefully decorated ground was a feast to the eye of beholders. The children enthusiastically took part in the different races planned for the day i.e. Butterfly race, Postman race, Kangaroo race, Get ready for the party race etc. The winners & participants were honored with the medals. The event reached to the culmination with National Anthem. Principal, Mr. D.P. Guleria opined that love for sports and games should be kindled in the early years of student life and appreciated the efforts of students and teachers.
The names of the gold medalists have been mentioned below:
Butterfly Race
Vandita, Rehmat, Manya, Inayat,, Dishita &Trishika.
Ice-Cream Cone Race
Shubam, Anshika, Prabhnoor, Avnoor, Arshpreet , Vihaan &Navkiran.
Mouse Race
Shanaya Johar,Darsh, sarabjot, Tanisha, Avneet ,Jasman &Yuvan.
Get Ready for the Party
AAradhy, Riyansh, Keeratjot, Shalok, Aruj ,Gurnoor&Gouransh.
Kangroo Race
Anahita, Aruhi , Harshbir,Abinav, Lovish , Manveer ,&Shivya.
Postman Race
Harsimaret Singh , Yashwini ,Prabhroop &Mansahas.
Achieve the Target Race
Madhav, Nayansh, Ketan ,Ansh,Shivanya ,Kanav &Jasleen.
To inculcate the spirit of patriotism and to celebrate the birth anniversary of ‘ Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose’ , a Bio Sketch writing competition was conducted in class V. Students of class IV penned down quotes by Netaji on decorative sheets. All the students participated enthusiastically and paid tribute to this great leader of our country.
Republic Day honours the date on which the constitution of India came into effect on January 26, 1950 replacing the government of India Act as the governing document of India. To acquaint the students about the importance of this day, a patriotic song competition was conducted for classes I, II and III by Music Club and a speech competition on Indian Constitution for classes IV and V was conducted by English Articulators Club on January 24, 2020. Students filled the aura with patriotism with their melodious songs and informative speeches.
With a motive to acquaint the parents with the accomplishments & achievement of the UKG students during the session 2019- 2020 “An Open Class Room Presentation’ was organized in BCM Kindergarten Chandigarh Road. The children mesmerized the parents acting as an audience with their confidence & oratory skills. The slew of events managed at their own left the spectators spellbound. Children not only welcomed the audience while giving them details of the event but also acquainted them with the ways, matras, vowels & addition is taught to them. Apart from other activities demonstration of telephonic conversation, doctor and patient conversation & Lemonade making activity were highly appreciated one by all. Principal Mr. D.P. Guleria appreciated the efforts of the teachers and students.
‘’ A Nation’s culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people ‘’
BCM Kindergarten Chandigarh Road celebrated Republic Day with great zeal and zest. Students took part in various activities planned for the day. Kids of Nursery made the tricolour flower with the help of their teachers. LKG students made flags with ice-cream sticks whereas UKG kids drew flag and filled colours in it. Principal Mr. D.P. Guleria wished the kids a ‘Happy Republic Day’.
Show & tell aims to teach young students about public speaking skills . Keeping the same in mind Show & Tell competition was organized in BCM Kindergarten Chandigarh Road for the kids of Nur. 75 students participated in this competition. Kids came with a variety of objects like Car, Plants, Save water, Healthy food & junk food, Save girl child etc. and elaborated about the object with a lot of confidence, facial expressions & voice modulations. Mrs Pragati Kapoor Headmistress of the school gave away the prizes to the winners.
Calligraphy is known as an art of stylish handwriting. On 16thJanuary 2019 calligraphy competition was organized in BCM Kindergarten Chandigarh Road for the students of LKG & UKG class. 20 shortlisted students from each class competed with each other. The judgment was done on the basis of style of writing alphabets & neatness. Winners were given the prizes by the Headmistress of school.
Sr. No |
Name of the Students |
Class& Section |
Position |
I |
Nitya & Japnoor |
LKG & UKG Blue Bell |
I |
2 |
Ripjot & Pihu Jolly |
LKG Marigold & UKG |
II |
3 |
Madhav,Aayan& Yashika |
LKG Rose, LKG Daisy & UKG Tulip |
BCM Kindergarten Chandigarh Road expressed their admiration and gratitude to the Indian army by celebrating ‘Army Day’ with a great enthusiasm. Little BCMites took part in the activities planned for the day with a great zeal and zest. Where the students of LKG made tricolour flag by tearing and pasting the colourful paper strips, the students of UKG drew and filled colours in the pictures of ‘Amar Jawan Jyoti’. Different video clippings related to the life of Indian army were shown to the kids. Teachers also explained the heroic efforts of Indian army in the form of stories. Principal Mr DP Guleria appreciated the efforts of students & teachers and expressed his reverence to the Indian Army.
Masks fascinate & captivate the hearts of young kids. To teach children the act of making & decorating masks, a ‘Mask Making’ activity was organised in BCM Kindergarten Chandigarh Road for the students of LKG. The teachers gave cut outs to the students which were joyfully decorated by the students. This Activity witnessed an enthusiastic participation of all the students.
Lohri was celebrated with a lot of exuberance & fanfare in BCM Kindergarten, Chandigarh road. To give a festive dip to the students, the campus was tastefully decorated & bonfire was lit. A kite decoration activity was organized for the students of NUR, LKG & UKG. Kids enjoyed the traditional food item brought by them in their tiffins. Teachers too acquainted the students with the importance of festival. Kids had a gala time as they danced around the holy bonfire on the traditional Punjabi songs & offered the prayers . Principal Mr. D.P Guleria wished everybody a very Happy Lohri and remarked that celebration of these festivals keep us close to our cultural roots.
Mathematics is one of the essential emanations of the human spirit, a thing to be valued in and for itself - like art or poetry. Considering this, a week-long celebration of Ganit week commemorated from December 16, 2019 to December 22,2019. The celebration of ‘GANIT (Growing Aptitude in Numerical Innovations & Training) WEEK’ had a distinct flavour when hands came together, showcasing the diverse activities and competitions in numeracy.
To dispel Maths phobia and create a love for the subject, young learners were involved in a plethora of activities in the classes VI -VIII. The week started with special classes of Vedic Maths (Ancient Mathematics), where Techniques were taught to students to enable them to advance their aptitude potential and confidence.
Students made Human Logo of Hardy–Ramanujan number i.e. 1729 which is regarded as a magical number. They also formed symbols of infinity (∞), area of circle (), addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Students participated in large numbers, displaying spirited enthusiasm, absorbing information and enjoying the stimulating exercise of the mind in activities such as Designing Maths Book Cover, Making of Book Mark, PPT Competition on the topic ‘Uses Of Maths’, Model Making on the topic ‘Fun With Shapes’, Biography Writing and Collage Making .
Some Maths games were also introduced to the students in which they were acquainted with various formulas and ways to do calculations correctly to cognize the subject in a fun manner. Such endeavours will reduce the fear of Mathematics and make it more interesting.
A weeklong celebration of GANIT (Growing aptitude in numerical innovations and training) week culminated in BCM School, Chandigarh Road on December 21, 2019. A series of hands on activities were organized for the students of classes I to VIII during this week. Activities conducted throughout the week aimed at encouraging the students to learn the subject joyfully and helping the students to understand the application of the subject and dispel its phobia in them. The concluding day began with a heartfelt tribute to the great Mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan. Students were informed about the life history of Ramanujan through a Speech and PPT. A Poem on Quadrilaterals and a song on Mathematical Symbols were the special attraction of the event. Students of class I dressed up as different Geometrical Shapes and gave the explanation of that 2-D and 3-D shapes. The whole event was highly productive and helped students develop interest, analytical abilities, concentration & co-ordination in challenging situations. School Principal D.P. Guleria applauded the efforts of the students and stated that several students have a fear of mathematics as a subject. These kinds of activities encourage them to learn the subject joyfully. They could go a long way in instilling enthusiasm and confidence in students for the subject.
BCM Kindergarten Chandigarh Road celebrated Christmas with a great fervor & enthusiasm. The day started with a true message of Christmas to the students i.e. love, peace, joy, forgiveness and spirit to serve people around us. Tiny tots clad in the costumes of Santa Clause, angles & fairies looked beautiful. Kids enthusiastically took part in the activities planned for the day. `The little BCMities had a dip in Christmas hue with the tastefully decorated campus. The cheers of joy while receiving candies from Santa made the celebrations vibrant. The little ones also enjoyed the special food items in their tiffins & danced to the tunes of Christmas carols.
Little hands and imaginative minds came together in a creative burst of energy in the Best out of Waste Competition organized for UKG in BCM Kindergarten Chandigarh Road. Little BCMites came to school armed with re-usable and re-cycle able material like old newspapers, match boxes, old clothes, bangles, cartons, ice-cream sticks, used CDs and much more. They created an amazing array of displayable items and objects which can be of good use and left the beholders spellbound. Winners were given certificates and.books were given as a souvenir to the participants by the Headmistress of school.
Sr. No |
Name of the Students |
Class & Section |
Position |
1 |
Tanveen Kaur |
UKG Tulip |
I |
2 |
Aranav |
UKG Rose |
II |
3 |
Vritika |
UKG Daisy |
4 |
Radya |
UKG lily |
Consolation |
The ability to recognize & describe shapes is a fundamental skill that provides a foundation for more advance skills. Keeping the same in mind BCM KG Section organized a shapes week for Nursery class where the kids brought food matching the different shapes decided for the day. Teachers showed different types of models to the kids and involved the tiny tots in different fun filled activities.
To stimulate the knowledge and to foster a healthy competition among the little BCMites, BCM Kindergarten Chandigarh Road organized a ‘Quiz Contest’ for the students of LKG class. The four teams comprising of 3 students each duly titled Mind Bogglers, Bright Sparks, Master Minds, Quiz Magicians competed with each other. The quiz was divided in 5 rounds i.e. General Awareness, Word Powering Round, Let me arrange,Let's learn good habits, Riddles. The participants out performed each other to become the winners. The audience comprising of parents were elated to see their child’s performance. Certificates were given to the winners and books were given to the participants by the Headmistress.
The kids of BCM Kindergarten organized Fruit Chaat activity on December 13, 2019. The event was planned to develop healthy eating habits among children. Little BCMites assisted their teachers in making chat with a variety of fruits like banana, apple, papaya, etc. All the children relished the chat. This activity also gave them a golden lesson of helping their mothers at home. It was really a wonderful experience.
Rhymes have an enormous educational value for the kids. Early learning of rhymes & rhythmic expressions enhance the phonetic skills of the toddlers. Keeping this in mind BCM School Chandigarh Road organized ‘English Rhyme Recitation’ for the students of Nursery. This competition provided the children an opportunity to exhibit their talent and confidence. The participants chose a variety of topics for their recitation like ‘Save Nature’, Say no to ‘Polybags’, Save girl child, Pollution, Save Green Trees etc. and gave a good visual treat by the eye catching props. The preliminary round was conducted by the class teachers in their respective classrooms and the best performers were selected for the final round. The winners were given books by the Headmistress.
The existence and survival of Democracy in such diverse conditions is the most celebrated fact about the constitution of our country. To acknowledge the significance of our constitution, a special assembly was conducted by the students of classes IX and X. The celebration of the day started with very apt words as the thought for the day" .The flavor of tricolor should not be only depicted through our words but also through our actions. " . This worthy thought was followed by an oath on preamble taken by the students and teachers. The school premises echoed with the words' we, the people of India .........' To grace the occasion, A speech on patriotism was also delivered by a parent. The purpose of the celebration was to instill in the students the values like brotherhood, equality, patriotism etc.
Constitution Day Celebration || Secondary Wing ||
To give tribute to the guiding principles of Mahatma Gandhi ji,Secondary wing of the school organized an activity 'Eat Satvik Aahar'. Under this activity, students brought saatvik aahar and relished it during lunch break. Class teachers clicked photographs of the students and sent them to the activity coordinator of the block. The activity illustrated the importance of saatvik Aahar to lead and maintain a healthy lifestyle
Children's Day is celebrated every year on 14 November to spread awareness among people towards the rights, care and education of children. Keeping the same thought in mind, Secondary wing of the school organized an activity 'If You Happen to be a child once again...'.In this activity, Teachers discussed and shared their childhood experiences with the students. They also shared motivational songs and poems to guide the students towards righteousness. The aim of the activity was to acknowledge this precious stage of life and impart moral values among children
Children's Day Celebration || Secondary Wing ||
To mark the birth anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev Ji ,Secondary wing of the school organised an activity under the title 'Discuss and Display Teachings Of Guru Nanak Dev Ji' for the classes IX and X. Class monitors of these classes prepared and delivered lectures on teachings Of Guru Nanak Dev Ji in their respective classes and other students wrote the teachings on charts and decorated them beautifully. Best charts were selected and displayed on the classroom display boards. The aim of the activity was to instil values like love, equality, fraternity etc.
Celebrations of Birth Anniversary of Guru NanakDevji || Secondary Wing ||
A fun filled literary based’ Book Week’ was celebrated from Nov. 19 to Nov. 23, 2019. There were various activities to enhance the creative and scholastic skills of children in this week. All the students participated enthusiastically in the different activities organized during the week. Students portrayed their creative ideas in designing book jackets in ‘Book Covering Activity’. Students of Classes I to V made attractive book marks for the competition “Mark your page”. Students of class IV penned down review on their favourite book.
It is necessary to raise awareness about corruption and measures that can be taken to fight it. Therefore, International Anti-Corruption Day is observed every year on 9 December globally. To mark the day and to spread awareness about the evil of Corruption among the students “Hindi Hasya Kayita Gayan Competition” was conducted for class V. Students recited humorous but thought provoking poems.
To celebrate the 550th birth anniversary of Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji a “ Shabad Gayan Competition’' for classes III, IV and V and a ‘ Sakhi ( Real Stories from the life of Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji) Narration Competition for classes IV and V was conducted. Students participated in both the competitions enthusiastically. They recited melodious Shabads and narrated real life stories and teachings of Guru Ji.